Member Benefits

Your membership to the MRMA comes
with many benefits such as:

Best Practice Tours

MRMA schedules tours of member’s and educational partner’s facilities. Members have the opportunity to observe firsthand the operations from information management systems, to manufacturing processes, to material handling, to management styles. Participants have the opportunity to:

  • Ask questions one-on-one of the host company’s management.
  • See new ideas and processes that may benefit their companies.


Through interaction at MRMA functions, members develop relationships which allow an exchange of ideas, and solutions to common challenges. Our networking events provide opportunities to meet with peers, find new customers, services and suppliers.

  • Meetings
  • Tours
  • Seminars
  • Luncheons

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Voice in the Region

Members have a collaborative voice into local, state, and federal issues which may affect their businesses. MRMA collaborates effectively with government, educational institutions, and community organizations to resolve problems and give direction concerning local development to meet the needs of our members. MRMA is affiliated with the state organization, FloridaMakes. Through this partnership MRMA joins forces with manufacturing associations throughout the state to advocate for manufacturing in Florida.

Guest Speakers

MRMA hosts business meetings which features subject matter experts who address various topics of interest of our members. Members are encouraged to bring representatives from their organization who have particular interest in the subject matter being presented.

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MRMA funds endowed scholarships to the College of Central Florida for students pursuing a career in manufacturing, engineering, logistics, distribution, and supply chain management, through the MRMA Rob Adamiak Memorial Scholarship. MRMA also funds a CDL Scholarship at the request of FleetForce and Marion Technical schools for students entering into that program. Member employees and family members are given preference in receiving these scholarships.

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Training/Workforce Development

MRMA has partnered with regional educational institutions and public/private agencies to promote excellence in manufacturing through training and workforce development.

  • We work closely with members to understand their training requirements
  • Help to identify providers
  • Connect to resources that assist the member company in funding the training.

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Business Referrals

MRMA acts as a conduit for referring customers to members and members to suppliers. We encourage companies to buy locally and to support member businesses. Many times local businesses are not aware of local capabilities. We attempt to visit each member’s facilities to understand the capabilities and needs of each member.

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how to become a member

  • Get in Touch

    Fill out the Request Membership Information form

  • Apply

    Our team will be in touch and walk you through the application form

  • Board Approval

    Once your application is approved, create your directory listing!

Request Membership Information

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